Our bags are made according to the "conjoint measurement" method. This means: Instead of assigning individual designers with the development of a product, as many consumers as possible are directly involved in this creative process. The first step is to use a basic design that comes pretty close to the ideal of the target group. This starting point is derived from market data and statistics.
The next step is to ‚subdivide‘ the bag into many individual elements: For example the arrangement of compartments, the format, the handles, the processed material, the shape, all the way down to individual applications and decorative elements. Each aspects is then discussed in detail in groups of persons who are considered to be potential buyers of such a product. The opinions of the participants are mostly very diverse and to some extent even contradictory. In such cases, all aspects are weighed against each other until a majority group decision is reached.
Through this process a high-end product is created which, bit by bit, fully meets the consumers‘ expectations. Not surprisingly, the manufacturer's own ideas are repeatedly thrown overboard in favour of such solutions.
With SEKRÈ, a total number of 160 women were involved in the process of designing the first mystery bag edition. Conjoint measurement is very helpful, especially with luxury handbags, since the target group is not only very demanding but is also not willing to make compromises when purchasing such an expensive object.
If you are interested in taking part in such creative discussions, please contact us.