With a total of only 33 luxury handbags, this edition was quickly sold out. A fragment of an original letter from the year 1855, handwritten by Queen Victoria, once the most powerful woman in the
world, is worked into each bag.
This has also boosted demand in the second-hand market. The price for some of the bags quickly rose far above the original sales price.
Just now another spectacular success was recorded:
At the international luxury handbag auction on August 10, 2019, held by the renowned Stuttgart auction house EPPLI, item No. 3 was auctioned for 7,000 Euros (call price: 1,200 Euros) in a bidding
war. This is nearly three times the original sales price.
EPPLI had advertised the SEKRÈ bag as one of the highlights in their auction catalogue. According to the list of results, the
SEKRÈ handbag was even valued significantly higher than all other auctioned bags of the luxury brands Chanel, Hermès, Gucci and Louis Vuitton.
We are convinced there is still upward potential to the VIVA VICTORIA edition.