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Why is SEKRÈ so rare?
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Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of Brigitte Bardot from the year 2010.
Edition size worldwide: 322 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with tassel in marlboro red
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including tax
Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of Frederic William III, King of Prussia from the year 1829.
Edition size worldwide: 160 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with tassel in rosso/latte macchiato
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including tax
Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of the Russian Empress Elisabeth Alexejewna from the year 1822.
Edition size worldwide: 64 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with blue/red tassel
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including tax
Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of Katharine Hepburn from the year 1977.
Edition size worldwide: 52 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with rose-coloured tassel
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including tax
Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of Prince Metternich from the year 1839.
Edition size worldwide: 102 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with oliv/lime coloured tassel
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including tax
Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of Marlene Dietrich from the year1963.
Edition size worldwide: 66 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with turquoise tassel
including tax
Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of Empress Maria Theresia from the year 1756.
Edition size worldwide: 81 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with soft pink tassel
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including tax
Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of Charles Lindbergh from the year 1968.
Edition size worldwide: 25 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with tassel in cielo/nebbio/lobelia
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including tax
Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of Grace Kelly from the year 1970.
Edition size worldwide: 56 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with mango/chestnut-coloured tassel
including tax
Luxury handbag with fragment of an original handwriting of Queen Victoria from the year 1855.
Edition size worldwide: 33 bags
Size (W x H x D): 36 x 25 x 12 cm
Colour: black with tassel in rubino/purple
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including tax